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TCPS & Blueprint Implementation


Blueprint Overview

The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future is landmark education reform legislation that became State law in 2021. The intent of the Blueprint is to transform Maryland’s public education into one of the top performing school systems in the world. To do this, it focuses on five major policy areas or pillars: early childhood education, high quality and diverse teachers and school leaders, college and career readiness and pathways, more resources to ensure all students are successful, and governance and accountability.

Talbot County Public Schools has developed a Blueprint Implementation Plan, which will guide the school system’s work over the ten-year implementation period.  The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future (HB 1300 and HB1372) combines school funding and supportive policies to ensure all learners have the opportunity to become college and career ready. Additionally, the Blueprint seeks to elevate “overall student performance to be among the world’s best and eliminates achievement and opportunity gaps between students from different family incomes, races, ethnicities, abilities and disabilities, and other defining characteristics.” TCPS strives to continuously reflect, redesign, and improve existing policies and practices to create a system that equitably serves our diverse student population in every grade level. 


Five Blueprint Policy Areas

Early Childhood Education

Expand access to public and private Pre-K programs that meet State Standards.

High Quality & Diverse Teachers & Leaders

Increased salary and professional development efforts to recruit and retain staff.

College & Career Ready Pathways

Rigorous opportunities and instructional programs that prepare students for success in college and careers.

More Resources

Additional programs and resources to available to support the overall needs of students.

Governance & Accountability

Local and State oversight to ensure implementation of the Blueprint.

Blueprint for Md's Future Logo

Pillar One

Early Childhood Education


  • Expand publicly-funded full-day Pre-K for all 3- and 4-year-olds from low-income families through a mixed (public and private) delivery system
  • Increase the number of high-quality early childhood education providers and educators
  • Enhance supports for young children and their families through additional Judy Centers
  • Improve student readiness for kindergarten
TCPS pre-K students
Blueprint for Md's Future Logo

Pillar Two

High Quality and Diverse Teachers and Leaders


  • Improve recruitment and professional development efforts to create and retain a more diverse educator workforce
  • Increase the number of highly-qualified staff and National Board-Certified teachers
  • Enhance educator compensation and leadership opportunities through a statewide career ladder
  • Implement more comprehensive teacher induction, mentoring, and professional learning for teachers

Raising the Status of Teachers

Current TCPS Accomplishments

TCPS teachers

TCPS is on target to meet 10% salary increase by FY24!

Blueprint for Md's Future Logo

Pillar Three

College & Career Readiness Pathways


  • Implement high-quality curriculum in Pre-K-12 to ensure students are college and career ready
  • Establish support and post-CCR pathways for students in high school
  • Increase youth apprenticeship partners and opportunities for students to earn industry recognized credentials before graduating high school
  • Develop a robust career counseling program for students in grades 6-12

Upcoming Blueprint Initiatives

Current TCPS Accomplishments

TCPS CNA students

The Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Completer program provides real-life healthcare experience and assessments to gain CNA certification upon graduation.

TCPS Class of 2022 Spotlight

  • 54% completed at least
    one AP course
  • 23% earned credit for at least one Dual Enrollment course
  • 39% fulfilled requirements for at least one CTE Completer – 10% (9) of these students completed more than one pathway
Blueprint for Md's Future Logo

Pillar Four

More Resources for Supporting Students


  • Expand community partnerships to coordinate more wraparound services
  • Execute Concentration of Poverty Grants to support community school programs
  • Prioritize funding and programming for historically underserved students
  • Enhance student behavioral health services and access to providers
  • Improve outcomes for all students and providing resources to those who need them most
TCPS elementary kids

Current TCPS Accomplishments

Providing Support to Those Who Need it Most

Blueprint for Md's Future Logo

Pillar Five

Governance and Accountability


  • Establish accountability and oversight of statewide Blueprint Implementation
  • Develop, implement, and monitor local Blueprint Implementation Plans
  • Create statewide Expert Review Teams to visit schools and provide support for improving student achievement
  • Ensure at least 75% of per-student funding is directly allocated to schools

Annual reporting will be used to evaluate and make necessary changes based on whether:

Teamwork graphic
Blueprint for Marylands Future

Blue Print Coordinator for Talbot County Public Schools:

Helga Einhorn, Ph.D


In 2020 a piece of landmark legislation was passed, the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Act (HB 1300). The intent of this legislation is to improve and enhance the quality of public education in Maryland. In its 235-pages, the bill contains policy and funding recommendations from the Kirwan Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education. In 2021 HB 1372 was passed to complement and update HB 1300. House Bill 1300 and House Bill 1372 should both be considered and cross-referenced to fully understand policy provisions and funding found in the Blueprint. House Bill 1300 and House Bill 1372 should both be considered and cross-referenced to fully understand policy provisions and funding found in the Blueprint. The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future is a multi-billion dollar investment to be implemented over the next 10 years.

The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future provides the foundation needed to elevate every child to reach their full promise and potential by transforming Maryland’s education system into a world-class model. The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future is organized into five distinct policy areas (pillars):

  • Early Childhood Education
  • High Quality and Diverse Teachers and Leaders
  • College and Career Readiness
  • More Resources to Ensure that All Students are Successful
  • Governance and Accountability

Under the legislation, an Accountability and Implementation Board (AIB) provides oversight and has the authority to ensure that the mandates are successfully implemented and produce the desired results.

Early Childhood Education

Investing in High-quality Early Childhood Education and Care: So that all children have the opportunity to begin kindergarten ready to learn, significant expansion of full-day pre-school, to be free for all low-income three- and four-year-olds.

High Quality and Diverse Teachers and Leaders

Elevating Teachers and School Leaders: Raising the standards and status of the teaching profession, including a performance-based career ladder and salaries comparable to other fields with similar education requirements.

Career and College Readiness

Creating a World Class Instructional System: An internationally benchmarked curriculum that enables most students to achieve “college- and career-ready” status by the end of tenth grade and then pursue pathways that include early college, Advanced Placement courses, and/or a rigorous technical education leading to industry-recognized credentials and high-paying jobs.

Resources to Ensure All Students are Successful

Providing More Support to Students Who Need it the Most: Broad and sustained new supports for schools serving high concentrations of students living in poverty, with before-and after-school and summer academic programs and student access to needed health and social services, and increased support for English learner and special education students.

The implementation of the Maryland Blueprint has already begun and will likely impact students and staff in the coming months. To learn more about the Maryland Blueprint, look for future communications and research information at the following sites: