Last week’s shooting at Oxford High School in Oxford Township, Michigan is the latest devastating reminder that, whether we like it or not, the power to keep our schools safe is shared by each and every one of us.
One proactive school safety resource that every Marylander has the power to harness is the Safe Schools Maryland anonymous reporting system.
Safe Schools Maryland, which is accessible 24/7/365 by phone at 1-833-MD-B-SAFE (1-833-632-7233), online at safeschoolsmd.org, and by downloading the free app via the App Store or Google Play, allows each of us to anonymously report tips concerning past, present, or potential harmful activities directed at students, school employees, and schools.
With Safe Schools Maryland we have the power to stop ongoing harmful behavior and prevent future harmful behavior by encouraging anyone to anonymously report their concerns. Once received, anonymous reports are routed to the appropriate school, school system, and/or public safety contacts for investigation.
While students are always encouraged to share their safety concerns with a trusted adult, in the event they are unable or unwilling to do so, Safe Schools Maryland serves as an important anonymous resource that gives students – or any concerned individuals – the confidence and ability to share information that can make our schools and students safer.
Please be sure to continue to spread the word about Safe Schools Maryland to students, parents, school staff, neighbors, family members, and friends across the State of Maryland. Doing so could save a life!