We Want to Hear from You!
The first draft of the 2024-2025 school year calendar was presented to the Board of Education at the January 17 meeting. The draft was created by a committee of teachers, administrators, and parents and was crafted to meet the requirements of COMAR and the negotiated agreement.
The 2024-2025 draft is similar to the current 2023-2024 school calendar, continuing to front load teacher work days and professional learning at the start of the year prior to students’ first day of school on August 26th. The calendar includes half days for parent conferences on September 27 and February 28 for secondary and November 7 and March 13 for elementary. There is an early dismissal for students at the end of the first quarter on October 31 and the end of the third quarter on March 28 to meet the negotiated agreement for teacher grading time. Grading time is built in for quarter two on transition day in January and for the fourth quarter on the teacher work day after the last student day. The calendar also has three half days on September 18, October 16, and February 5 for teacher professional learning.
The committee is suggesting a longer Winter break, a full two weeks due to where the holidays fall. They have recommended a shorter Spring break in the 2024-2025 calendar as the Easter holiday falls later in the year in April. They are recommending Spring break include Friday, April 18 and Monday, April 21 which are required holidays and Tuesday, April 22. The committee did also add Friday, March 14 as a schools closed day to provide a longer weekend in March. The calendar does include 4 inclement weather days.
The Board is seeking feedback on the draft to inform their decision-making. Please consider reviewing the first draft and completing the survey linked below.