District News

TCPS High School Students Complete Apprenticeships

Four members of the Talbot County Public Schools Class of 2024 have recently completed apprenticeships through the Maryland Youth Apprenticeship Program.


Billy Massaro, a senior at St. Michaels Middle High School, fulfilled requirements as a Marine Tradesperson Apprentice at Richardson’s Marine Services in McDaniel, and is a Carpentry Pathway completer. Jakob Barnhart, Easton High School (EHS) senior, served as the first Maintenance Apprentice at The Inn at Perry Cabin in St. Michaels and is a Culinary Pathway completer. Jed Smith, a senior at EHS has been a Marketing Apprentice at iFrog Marketing Solutions in Easton and is a Marketing Pathway completer. Peyton Spies, also an EHS Senior, was a Cook Apprentice at The Inn at Perry Cabin and is a Culinary Pathway completer.

“We are so grateful for our partnerships with these local employers, who provide quality apprenticeship opportunities for our students,” said Mrs. Danielle Haley, Youth Apprenticeship Coordinator. “The program has grown due to their commitment to the Apprenticeship Maryland program and to building our future workforce. So far this year, 12 students have had apprenticeship opportunities, with a 13th signing in the coming weeks.”


The Apprenticeship Maryland Program is a collaboration between the Maryland Department of Labor, the Maryland State Department of Education, participating school systems, and community business and educational partners.  The program is intended to allow high school juniors and seniors to develop valuable job skills and get a head start on future careers.   At the same time, the goal is to support Maryland businesses by training talented, highly skilled workers, a much-needed resource.  “The Maryland Youth Apprenticeship program provides Eastern Shore students the opportunity to work with professionals in their area of interest to help guide them as they begin to make future career and educational choices,” explains Robin Werner, TCPS Career and Technical Education Supervisor.


Students complete related classroom instruction and a minimum of 450 hours of work-based training under the supervision of an eligible employer.  The students can begin working with a state-approved employer during their junior year in high school.  School systems coordinate student placements with local businesses.  Talbot County students who are interested in becoming an apprentice and employers wishing to participate in the program may contact Danielle Haley, Youth Apprenticeship Coordinator at danielle.haley@talbotschools.org to learn more.

Billy Massaro Apprenticeship Completer 2024
EHS 2024 Apprenticeship Completers

Billy Massaro, a St. Michaels High School Senior, completed a Marine Tradesperson Apprenticeship at Richardson’s Marine Services and is a Carpentry Pathway completer.

Easton High Senior Jakob Barnhart fulfilled requirements as a Maintenance Apprentice at The Inn at Perry Cabin and is Culinary Pathway completer.  Classmate Jed Smith completed a Marketing Apprenticeship at iFrog Marketing Solutions and is Marketing Pathway completer.  Peyton Spies, also a graduating senior, was a Cook Apprentice at The Inn at Perry Cabin and a Culinary Pathway completer.