District News

Easton High Senior William O’Donnell Selected for Maryland Student Page Program

William O’Donnell was chosen to represent Talbot County in the Maryland General Assembly Student Page Program for the upcoming session. He was recognized for this achievement by the Talbot County Board of Education at their December meeting.

William O’Donnell was chosen to represent Talbot County in the Maryland General Assembly Student Page Program for the upcoming session. The Talbot County Board of Education recognized him for this achievement at their December meeting.


Easton High School senior William O’Donnell has been chosen to represent Talbot County in the Maryland General Assembly Student Page Program for the 2024 Legislative Session.

In 2022, Governor Hogan appointed William to serve on the Maryland Youth Advisory Council, where he is Vice Chair. He holds several additional leadership positions, including President of the Maryland Junior Classical League, ShoreRivers Upper Shore Youth Environmental Action Summit Leader, and Eastern Shore Divisional Liaison of the Maryland Association of Student Councils (MASC). William is Co-President of the Easton High Interact Club and Vice President of the Latin Honor Society.

William also participates in Talbot County Teen Court, Latin Academic Olympics, speech and debate, National Honor Society, and rowing. He interns with Talbot County Democrats and helps educate elementary students about STEM, and he has represented Maryland at the National Junior Classical League convention.

The Maryland Association of Secondary School Principals (MASSP) acknowledged William for being one of the first students to present at an MASSP conference. His group presentations on Artificial Intelligence in Education and the panel on School Safety motivated the association to allow student presentations at all future events. He has received several awards, including recognition as an Advanced Placement Scholar with Honors, the 2023 National Latin Exam Magna Cum Laude medal, and the MASC Certified Workshop Presenter status.

Maryland high school seniors have served as student pages for members of the state legislature since 1970. Each year 105 pages and 36 alternates from across Maryland are selected by their local school systems to represent their schools and Counties.  Selected pages serve two nonconsecutive weeks in either the Senate or House of Delegates.  During the thirteen weeks of session, which run from the second week in January to early April, each page serves one week during the first seven weeks and returns for a second week during the last six.  The duties of pages are driven by the schedule of the chamber to which they are assigned.

Requirements include being a high school senior, who is at least 16 years of age, residing and attending a public or nonpublic high school in Maryland, and having an interest in government and history.  Interested students should apply through their schools in September and selection is completed by October 1st of each year. More information about the Maryland General Assembly Page program is available at https://dls.maryland.gov/careers/student-page-program/.