District News

Board Approves FY24 Budget at February BOE Meeting

The TCPS Board of Education approved the FY24 Budget at the February Board of Education Meeting. 

Board of Education Letter to County Council

Dear Members of the Talbot County Council:

Our students are living and learning in a dynamic and exciting era. The future for them and our community depends upon a sustained partnership between Talbot County Public Schools and the Talbot County Council. lt is paramount that we provide a wide spectrum of educational programs, opportunities, and experiences that will surpass those of previous generations.

Our goal in FY24, while transforming and performing, is to meet the current needs of our changing demographics, raise academic achievement, and provide increased opportunities for each student. Our community faces many challenges that impact this mission: over 2,687 (58.7o/o) of our children live in poverty, there is an increase to 1,066 (23.3o/o) of our children that speak English as a second language in a community where more than 20 languages are spoken, and over 192 (4.2o/o) of our students qualified as homeless this school year. We also know with MD’s Blueprint and other legislative
expectations we will need to create additional opportunities with community partners to prepare students to be college and career ready by the end of tenth grade. Therefore, several new positions and salary increases are being recommended.

The FY24 Budget Process has been a collaborative effort where priorities were
determined with shared input from community members, parents, students, teachers and administrators. The amount requested in the FY24 budget reflects the Board’s commitment to acquire the funding necessary to support, develop, and improve the educational services for the students in the Talbot County Public School system, as well as to meet accountability expectations of the new Blueprint legislation.

Our FY24 Budget reflects the priorities needed for a quality education:

  • Salary increases for all certified and support staff.

Additional positions:

  • Special Education Teachers (3)
  • Special Education lnstructional Assistant (6)
  • Special Education Private Placement Coordinator (1)
  • Math Coaches (4)
  • Special Education Mentor (1)
  • Reading lnterventionists (3)
  • .33 Promoting Adult Achievement in Transition and Health (PAATH) program Teacher (shared with 2 other counties)
  • .33 PAATH program Job Coach (shared with 2 other counties
  • ESLTeacher(1)
  • Social Workers/McKinney-Vento Case Manager (3)
  • Board Certified Behavior Analyst (1)
  • Construction Project Manager (‘l)


The TCPS team continually works to create a positive learning environment to ultimately increase college and career opportunities for our children once they graduate from our schools.

Highlights from the 2022-2023 School Year:

  • .lncreased our graduation rate to 97.03% and maintained our dropout rate to below.60%.
  • Class of 2022 earned nearly $19 million in scholarship dollars
  • .39% of the Class of 2022 earned a Career and Technical Education Completer
  • .24% of the Class of 2022 earned qualifying scores on an Advanced Placement Exam
  • 23% of graduates earned college credit through dual enrollment
  • Providing Science of Reading professional learning for all elementary teachers and administrators.
  • Continued to provide full day Pre-K at all schools
  • All ’14 students in the first cohort of the Certified Nursing Assistant completer passed their required certification exam. An additional 12 students will take the exam in the spring.
  • lncreased safety measures in all schools through grants
  • Established scholarships at select colleges for education majors who commit to
  • employment with TCPS upon graduation
  • Grant funded social workers (4), lnfant and Toddler Teacher (1 ), and Re-engagement Coordinator
  • Continued partnership with the Sheriffs Department and Talbot Goes Purple to raise awareness about the opioid crisis and the dangers of substance abuse
  • lncreased mental health services through community partnerships and variousstaff trainings through the MD AWARE ll Grant
  • Education Foundation efforts resulted in $6,342 awarded from two scholarshipfunds for the class of 2022; $44,744 awarded for Teacher Grants during the 2022-2023 school year to date
  • Completion of Easton High School roof replacement project
  • IAC approval of the Chapel District Elementary School


The TCPS team continually works to create a positive learning environment to ultimately increase college and career opportunities for our children once they graduate from our schools.

We welcome the opportunity to answer any questions or meet with Council’s staff on the specifics of our request, and we look forward to presenting our proposed budget on March 7 , 2023.

The Talbot County Board of Education appreciates the Talbot County Council’s
partnership in shared goals and financial support. Together we can meet the needs of our community and ensure continued growth and vitality for Talbot County.