District News

Board of Education Work Session and Regular Meeting


All Talbot County Board of Education Meetings are held at the Talbot County Education Center, 12 Magnolia Street, Easton MD 21601. Open meetings are held in Conference Room #1.

The Talbot County Board of Education holds monthly Work Session Meetings, as indicated under the “Upcoming Meetings” section on the right side of the the TCPS Diligent Community Home Page linked below. Work Session meetings begin at 5:30 p.m., on the dates indicated. The public may livestream meetings by choosing the video “Livestream” camera icon. Video coverage of past meetings can be viewed by selecting the video camera icon next to the correct meeting date under the “Recent Meetings” category on the right side of the page.

The Talbot County Board of Education holds Regular Board Meetings on a monthly basis at the Talbot County Education Center. The Board begins Regular Monthly Meetings at 5:00 p.m., only for the purpose of voting to close the meeting pursuant to the State Government article (Section 3-305 (b)) (1) (to discuss the appointment, employment, assignment, promotion, discipline, demotion, compensation, removal, resignation, or performance evaluation of appointees, employees, or officials over whom this public body has jurisdiction; any other personnel matter that affects one or more specific individuals to discuss the superintendent contract; and (Section 3-305 (b)) (7) and (8), to consult with counsel to obtain legal advice on legal matters and consult with staff, consultants, or other individuals about pending or potential litigation).

The open portion of the Regular Board Meeting begins at approximately 6:00 p.m. The public may attend in person or view the meeting via livestream by choosing the “Livestream” video camera icon on the TCPS Diligent Community Home page. Video coverage of past meetings may be accessed by selecting the video camera icon next to the proper meeting date under the “Recent Meetings” category.

Requests to speak at a Regular Board Meeting may be submitted online, prior to the start time of the regular Board meeting, using the following link: Request to Speak or by choosing this icon on the Diligent Community Home page.

For more information about the Talbot County Board of Education, please contact Faith M. Brundige, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent, by emailing Faith.Brundige@TalbotSchools.org.

Thank you!