District News

David Short Named Chair of the TCPS Education Foundation

David Short, C.P.A. (left) has been named Chair of the Talbot County Public Schools Education Foundation Board effective July 1, 2021, replacing Laura P. Heikes (right), who has served as Chair since March of 2019. 

David Short, C.P.A. has been named Chair of the Talbot County Public Schools Education Foundation Board effective July 1, the beginning of the new fiscal year.  Short will replace Laura P. Heikes, who has served as Chair since March of 2019. 

Both Short and Heikes have worked together in leadership roles on the Foundation Board since its inception, with Short serving as Treasurer, and Heikes serving first as Co-Chair beginning in 2017, making the leadership transition a very smooth one.


“I’ve been a member of the Education Foundation Board since the very first days of the organization’s existence, so it has been a passion of mine and will remain near and dear to my heart,” Heikes said following a gavel presentation during the June Board Meeting. “I am very proud to be a founding board member and will continue to support the work of the Education Foundation as I believe this is an essential mission for our community.”


The Board also approved the following additional leadership assignments: Jo Ann Asparagus Murray, Vice Chair;  Pamela Clay, Secretary; Mariana Albert Lesher, Treasurer. In addition, the board includes Annie Decker, Michael Fisher, M.D., Michael Garman, Betsy Griffin, Lindsey Higginbottom, Jeremy Hillyard, Juanita Hopkins, Esq., F. Graham Lee, Berenice Orellana, Dale Rauch, David “Ty” Russ, Jr., Vanessa Sullivan, Vickie Wilson, and Patrick Fitzgerald, Founding Chair.


“Laura’s commitment and perseverance has been a driving force in the Education Foundations accomplishments thus far,” Short adds.  “She spearheaded the development of our strategic plan and established more organizational structure and efficiency, which has made it possible for us to achieve as much as we have in a relatively short time.  I have very big shoes to fill and I am honored to have the opportunity to carry on her work.”


Since 2016, the Education Foundation has raised more than $540,000 to support excellence in public education.  With financial support from the community, they have approved grant requests from teachers for innovative projects and experiences for TCPS students, raised funds to provide internet connectivity for students during the pandemic, awarded scholarships to graduating seniors, and established a fund to support mental health services for students.


For more information about the TCPS Education Foundation visit the website:  www.tcpsef.org or contact Debbie Gardner, Coordinator of Public Relations and Special Programs at dgardner@talbotschools.org or 410-822-0330 ext. 103.