District News

TCPS Partners with Chesapeake Forum to bring Astrobiologist and Planetary Scientist Pamela Conrad, Ph.D. to SMMHS

SMMHS Auditorium

TCPS recently partnered with the Chesapeake Forum, An Academy for Lifelong Learning, to bring Astrobiologist and Planetary Scientist Pamela Conrad, Ph.D., for a lecture and presentation at St. Michaels Middle High School. SMMHS science students attended the “The Real X Games: Life in the Most Extreme Environments on Earth” presentation in person, with EHS students and Chesapeake Forum participants joining via Zoom. Dr. Conrad held a small group question-and-answer session with students after the lecture. Special thanks to SMMHS teacher Lauren Greer along with Bob Degour and Lynn Randle of Chesapeake Forum, for bringing this fantastic presentation and opportunity to our students. We hope this is the first of many collaborative events!