District News

Updated 1-7-22 Guidelines for Isolation and Quarantine

The CDC has released updated recommendations for Isolation and Quarantine for COVID-19. Beginning Thursday, January 6, 2022, TCPS will follow a modified process for students and staff. (This document was updated 1/7/2022. Changes are underlined).

If a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status they must notify the school and:  

  • Stay home for 5 days following the positive test result.
  •  If after 5 days, an individual has had no fever for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication AND symptoms are resolving, they may return to school on day 6.
  • Day 1 is considered the first full day after symptoms started in symptomatic persons or the first full day after the person tested positive if asymptomatic.
  • They must continue to wear a mask around others for an additional 5 days.



In school settings where all students and staff are masked:

  • TCPS will contact families if there is a positive COVID-19 case in their child’s class and will notify those who are identified as close contacts.
  • Vaccinated students and staff will not be required to quarantine from school.
  • Students and staff who are unvaccinated and were in close proximity to the individual who has tested positive have the option to either participate in test-to-stay (test every other day, total of 3 tests) or quarantine for five days. 2
  • If at any time a student develops symptoms of COVID-19 regardless of known exposure, they MUST stay home to quarantine and get tested immediately. If a test result is positive, follow the guidelines for isolation above.

In school settings where students and staff are not masked:

  • TCPS will notify families of any students who are identified as close contacts of an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19 while not wearing a mask (such as during meals).
  • Vaccinated students and staff will not be required to quarantine from school.
  • Students and staff who are unvaccinated and unmasked, and are identified as having been in close proximity to an individual who has tested positive will be required to quarantine at home for 5 days from the last date of known exposure and should get tested after day 5.
  • Students may return to school on day 6 as long as they remain without symptoms after 5 days.
  • If at any time a student develops symptoms of COVID-19 regardless of known exposure, they MUST stay home to quarantine and get tested immediately. If a test result is positive, follow the guidelines for isolation above.

TCPS encourages all eligible children to be vaccinated and boosted. Please continue to wear masks in public spaces and be mindful of the three-foot rule to the extent possible.

Parents should ensure their email address and phone number are current with the school and check their email regularly.