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What Parents Need to Know about Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana and Alcohol Use

Join TCPS Substance Abuse Intervention and Prevention Specialist Madison Elliott for a webinar to learn more about the risks and dangers of driving under the influence of marijuana and alcohol use and the impact on teens. Q&A at the end. Registration is required. Topics Include: ~ Driving under the influence of marijuana ~ Driving […]

Webinar: The Pros, Cons, and Dangers of Social Media Use for Children and Teens.

Join us for a webinar on the Pros, Cons, and Dangers of Social Media Use for Children and Teens. Dr. Rob Schmidt, TCPS Mental Health Coordinator, and Cpl. Sam Faggert from the Talbot County Sheriff's Department will discuss social media's impact on kids, online grooming and predators, and what parents can do to protect their […]

Board of Ed Work Session

Talbot County Education Center 12 Magnolia St, Easton, MD, United States

Live-stream link and supporting documents:

What Parents Need to Know about Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana and Alcohol Use

Join TCPS Substance Abuse Intervention and Prevention Specialist Madison Elliott for a webinar to learn more about the risks and dangers of driving under the influence of marijuana and alcohol use and the impact on teens. Q&A at the end. Registration is required. Topics Include: ~ Driving under the influence of marijuana ~ Driving […]

WEBINAR: Parenting 101? Take 15+: Make Time To Listen, Take Time To Talk

Join TCPS Mental Health Coordinator Dr. Rob Schmidt for a webinar to discuss and share how changes in the 21st Century have impacted parenting and the family. Parenting is probably the most difficult job in the world because how we parent has a significant impact on the child’s development, ability to handle adversity, and success. […]

Community Listening Session for Easton Middle & Easton High

Easton High 723 Mecklenberg Ave, Easton, MD, United States

You are invited to our Community Listening Session with Superintendent Sharon Pepukayi and Board of Education Members! Join the conversation, come and ask questions, and discuss education-related topics. Share your thoughts, ideas, and feedback on January 24th at 6:00 pm. at Easton High. Let's work together to make our schools the best they can be!