District News

FAQs for Transitioning Back to School in Hybrid Model

Recovery Plan Pages relating to Safety and Operations

FAQs related to Hybrid Schedule

The school day will be as close to a normal length day as possible, however schedules will need to incorporate additional transition time between a.m. and p.m. bus routes and in between classes during the day to accommodate necessary cleaning and so that we can maintain social distancing.

Elementary – YES; Middle and High School – NO but classrooms will be cleaned in between class changes.

Possibly due to staffing and numbers attending in-person with six foot distance ruling.

Students attending school In Person on AA or BB days will have asynchronous learning on the other 3 days of the week. Teachers will have office hours on Wednesday for synchronous opportunities.

The current a.m. and p.m. options will continue.

EMS – The current a.m. and p.m. options will continue.

SMMHS and EHS – All students remaining Virtual will log in to attend school virtually 2 days a week with the AA/BB format and will follow the bell schedule with the classes and teachers they are currently assigned. If they were assigned A days- they will login on Mondays and Tuesdays and if they are assigned B days they will login on Thursdays and Fridays.

Same type of follow up independent work they are doing now on the four half days.

The plan will be evaluated on a regular basis due to possible new health metrics daily. We are hoping to offer a full virtual option through a vendor in the second semester but it will be limited to a certain number of students. If we are still not able to open to full capacity will continue to offer a virtual option through TCPS.

Timeline depends on health metrics and the relaxation of social distancing restrictions. Our goal is to get as many students back five days a week as soon as possible but the restrictions must be fewer to do so.

They will report on their assigned day. Due to logistical complications and staffing, it was not possible to bring one grade back and continue virtually with others. We are also limiting visitors. All schools with transition grades are planning to do this transitioning with students when they arrive in person. EMS is also making plans for virtual transitional activities for our students.

FAQs related to School Operations

Each school will have their own plan for where students eat lunch.

Yes, at elementary level with limitations to the number of students on the playground.

YES, students will need to wash hands before going to recess and once returning inside the building. Limit number of students on the playground. Masks should be worn.

Between 9 – 15 depending upon the size of the classroom based on six foot distancing.

Yes, once they arrive at school.

Yes, TCPS has purchased masks which are available for students. These will be distributed by schools as needed.

According to the health department, gaiters are allowed. 

We will encourage students to take mask breaks outside and when eating.

Parent conference will be held to determine the course of action. It may be possible to have the student revert to virtual if the issue continues.

If there is 6 foot spacing between students this can be considered a “mask break time” for students.

FAQs related to COVID-19 Protocols

Contact tracing is done by the Health Department (all of our nurses in each school are employed by the health department). We will follow our process and protocol as outlined in our recovery plan pages 10-11.

See above plus you will be notified if your child needs to be quarantined.

  • Elementary – Students would complete the asynchronous work and the teacher can meet with the student virtually during the office hours on Wednesday if they need help and/or if it is more than a few days.
  • Easton Middle – Plans will be made based on the individual needs of the students. Parents will contact guidance to talk through their options.
  • Easton High School and St. Michaels Middle High School- Students will just log on instead of coming in person, as their schedules will remain the same and the links are already on teacher FROG pages.

NO unless that sibling also tests positive and your child was a contact of that person.