District News

Lauren Greer named a Finalist for MD State Teacher of the Year!

The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) announced the finalists for Maryland Teacher of the Year on Friday September 3, 2021. Talbot County Public Schools is proud to share that Talbot Teacher of the Year Mrs. Lauren Green is one of the eight educators who will compete for the statewide honor.

According to an MSDE press release, the finalists were selected by a panel of judges representing key Maryland education organizations and include principals, teachers, school boards, teacher unions, and representatives from higher education. All finalists were chosen based on a rigorous set of national criteria that include instructional abilities, collaboration with colleagues, students and families, community connections, leadership and innovation in and out of the classroom and ability to articulate education issues and beliefs. The 2021-2022 Maryland Teacher of the Year will be announced on Maryland Public Television on October 7, 2021 in a 30-minute Maryland Teacher of the Year Television Special airing at 8 p.m. on MPT2, as well as YouTube at video.mpt.tv. Maryland State Department of Education (2021, Sept. 3). “Finalists Named for 2021-2022 Maryland Teacher of the Year” [Press release]. https://news.maryland.gov/msde/finalists-named-for-2021-2022-maryland-teacher-of-the-year/

Mrs. Greer earned a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from Gettysburg College and a Master of Arts in Teaching – Secondary Earth Space Science from Towson University. She began her career with Talbot County Public Schools in 2012 as a middle school science teacher at St. Michaels Middle High School. She has since taught a broad spectrum of classes at the middle and high school level, including Environmental Science, Earth Systems, Anatomy and Physiology, Advancement Placement Biology and Project Lead the Way Biomedical Science.

Mrs. Greer has served in many leadership roles on campus. She is an Equity Team leader, co-advisor for the National Technical Honor Society, and chairs the Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) Committee. She has lead St. Michaels Middle High School’s effort to achieve “Green School” status and served as head coach for Junior Varsity Field Hockey for two seasons. She is fully certified as a Project Lead the Way Biomedical Science teacher, has been a curriculum writer for Earth Systems Science and Biology, and has participated in numerous state level conferences as a researcher, attendee, and presenter.

“It comes as no surprise to us that Lauren has been selected as a finalist for Maryland Teacher of the Year,” said Dr. Kelly Griffith, Superintendent. “We are extremely proud of her work with students and as a leader among her peers, and we are grateful that she is a member of the TCPS Team.”

“I feel so honored to be representing Talbot County Public Schools as a Maryland Teacher of the Year Finalist,” Mrs. Greer added. “I am excited to share and discuss all the great things our children, teachers, and support staff do in our county as well as learn from the talented group of colleagues from across the state.”