District News

MABE Superintendent Search – Stakeholder Input Survey Released

The Talbot County Board of Education has entered into a contract with the Maryland Association of Boards of Education (MABE) for the purpose of conducting a search for our next Superintendent of Schools, as Dr. Kelly L. Griffith is retiring on June 30, 2022. 

The first step in the search process is to conduct a Stakeholder Input Survey that has been developed for staff, students, families, and the general public. The survey is now available and remain open until 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 08, 2022.   The survey can be accessed directly using this link: https://bit.ly/TCPSinput, on Talbot County Public Schools Facebook, and on the TCPS website home page at www.talbotschools.org

The purpose of the survey is to receive input about the strengths of the county as a whole, the characteristics the public believes a superintendent should possess, and what challenges a new superintendent may face.

Once the survey information is reviewed, the Board will work with MABE to develop advertising, candidate characteristics and interview questions, and a timeline for application review and subsequent interviews. The Board of Education intends to make a final decision that is announced to the public by their May meeting.

Any questions regarding the survey or search process should be directed to William Middleton, search consultant at MABE (wmiddleton@mabe.org), or Susan Delean-Botkin, Board President, Talbot County Board of Education (sbotkin@talbotschools.org).