October is National Principals Month! Our School Leaders are truly phenomenal, and we are grateful for their dedication! We celebrate them all this month and every month!

Dr. Kari Clow - Chapel District Elementary
Dr. Clow has a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from Towson University and a Master of Science in School Administration and Supervision from Johns Hopkins University. She earned a Doctorate in Educational Leadership and Innovation from Wilmington University.
This is her 17th year in education. She began her career at Lockerman Middle School as a 6th grade English Language Arts teacher with Caroline County Public Schools. This is her third year as principal of Chapel District Elementary.
She and her husband Josh have two children, Reed (4, PreK at CDES) and Ellie (2). She enjoys spending time with family, working out, boating, going to the beach, playing lacrosse, and teaching part time at Salisbury University.

Dr. Lisa Devaric- Easton Elementary
Dr. Devaric earned a Bachelor of Science from Towson State University in 1993, a Master of Education from Coppin State College in 2002, and a Doctor of Education from University of Maryland Eastern Shore in 2015.
This is her 28th year as an educator. She began her career teaching 3rd grade in Baltimore County at Glyndon Elementary School. She joined the TCPS Team in 1996 as a 3rd grade teacher at White Marsh Elementary.
She is married to Mr. Corey Devaric, and they have four kids, three currently in college and one college graduate. Her hobbies include cooking, reading and shopping!
Ms. Sherry Spurry- Easton High
Ms. Spurry has a Bachelors in Elementary Education, and a Masters in School Leadership, both from Salisbury University. She has worked for Talbot County Public Schools for 18 years.
She began her career as a teacher at Chapel District Elementary, and has since served as Transition Facilitator in Special Education, Assistant Principal at Easton High and Easton Elementary, and Principal of White Marsh and Easton Elementary Schools. A proud Easton Warrior Alumnus, this is her second year as Principal of Easton High.
She resides in Royal Oak with her two children Taylor and Jack, who attend St. Michaels Middle High St. Michaels Elementary. Her favorite hobbies include boating, fishing, and spending time with friends and family.
Dr. Jodi Colman- Easton Middle
Dr. Colman earned a Bachelor of Science in Education and Early Childhood in 1993 from Salisbury University, a Master of Education with a concentration in reading in 1996, also from Salisbury University, and a Doctor of Philosophy in organizational leadership
This is her 29th year in education. She worked for Dorchester County Public Schools for 24 years, and has now begun her 5th year in Talbot County as a Principal, first at Chapel District Elementary, and now at Easton Middle. She began her career teaching 2nd grade at Warwick Elementary School in Secretary, MD in 1993. She was in a "pod" which meant there were four classes in one large room and no walls!
She has been married to David Colman for 25 years (she says this is only because he is not home 5 days a week). She has 3 grown children with real jobs! Ben is 24 and a merchant marine; Ali is 22 and a 4th-grade teacher at EES; Sam is 18 years old and a Carrier Sales Support Representative at Choptank Transport. She also has a “granddog” that belongs to her daughter and his name is Duck. She loves reading and spending time with her family, and time at the beach!
Dr. Indra Bullock- St. Michaels Elementary
Dr. Bullock has a Bachelors in Communication and Theatre from West Chester University, PA. She earned her Teachers Certification from Salisbury University, Chesapeake College and Anne Arundel Community College. She earned a Masters in Teaching English Learners and Administrative Certification from Salisbury University and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore.
This is her 20th year as an Educator. She began her career at Greensboro Elementary School in Caroline County as a Teacher of the Even Start Family Literacy Program
Her favorite hobbies are spending time with her family, taking walks with her dog, yoga, reading, and going to the Beach!Mrs. Theresa Vener- St. Michaels Middle High
Mrs. Vener has a Bachelor of Science in Education from SUNY Oswego, and a Masters in Curriculum/Instruction with Admin I and II Certification from Western Maryland College, (now McDaniel).
This is her 29th year in education. She moved to Maryland from New York and began teaching in 1992-93 as a middle school Spanish teacher, and field hockey and softball coach at St. Michaels Middle High. She taught middle school and high school Spanish for 14 years, was an Assistant Principal for 11 years (three at EHS) and has been principal at SMMHS for four years.
She has been married to Ron Vener for 24 years. They have 2 labradoodles and 2 sons, Jack, age 20 (SMMHS class of 2019) and Max, age 18 (EHS class of 2021). Both sons are attending McDaniel College and playing baseball, one is pursuing a degree in education! She loves to go to the beach, be outside in the sunshine, visit family in New York and watch her boys play baseball, finally on the same team!
Ms. Kelly Murdoch- Tilghman Elementary
This year marks Ms. Murdoch’s 23rd year in education. She began her career teaching first grade for the Fort Worth Independent School district after graduating from Salisbury University.
She joined TCPS in 1999 as a first-grade teacher at White Marsh Elementary. She also taught second grade and then physical education until 2014. She served as administrative intern at Chapel District and White Marsh Elementary Schools for a year prior to becoming an Assistant Principal at Easton Elementary School. She was appointed Principal at Tilghman Elementary School in 2019. She has a Master’s in English as a Second Language and holds Administrative I and II certifications.
Ms. Murdoch has two daughters, Georgia and Maren, who attend Easton High and Easton Middle School. She enjoys music, sports, the beach, making stained glass and spending time with her girls.
Ms. Kim Seidel- White Marsh Elementary
Ms. Seidel has Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and Masters in Special Education from Slippery Rock University. She earned a certificate in Administration and Supervision from Loyola College, Baltimore, MD, and achieved National Board Certification as an Early Childhood Generalist in 2002.
This is her 29th year in education. She began her career teaching kindergarten at Kent Island Elementary School in Queen Anne's County. She has been principal at White Marsh Elementary since 2017.
Ms. Seidel grew up in Pennsylvania, the youngest of three siblings. She moved to Maryland when she accepted a teaching position in Queen Anne's County. She enjoys playing pickleball, loves the beach and water, and anything that involves being outdoors!!