District News

National Technical Honor Society Induction Ceremonies

For the first time in two years, in-person ceremonies were held to induct new members into the St. Michaels Middle High School and Easton High School chapters of the National Technical Honor Society (NTHS). NTHS recognizes student achievement in the Career and Technology Education Pathways offered at Talbot County Public Schools, such as Culinary Arts, Biomedical Technology, Interactive Media Production, Carpentry, and Teacher Academy of Maryland, among others. Inductees recited a pledge to uphold the standards of conduct and achievement of NTHS and to continue to strive for excellence. Members who had been inducted virtually due to pandemic restrictions were also recognized.

The 2022 inductees are as follows:

St. Michaels Middle High – Bailey Blades, Avery Brown, Kiara Brummell, Lilyanna Cook,
Rebecca Dean, Chandler Dyott, Matt Fisher, Mackenzie Fox, Nick Grassini, Hannah Hock, Finn Kealy, Abbie Kemp, JT Lizewski, Yarivel Mazariegos-Bartolon, Ethan Rash, Ava Reid, Taylor Rupp, Janya Seth, Makayla Sisco, Madison White, Olivia Windsor, Alyssa Wojcik, Alexys Young.

Easton High – Bechora-Chaviva Aguoru, Carson Allen, Ian Branic, Cathryne Christopher, Emily Dickinson, Angelina Duschel, Emily Englehart, Ashtyn Finney, Ashley Granados-Martinez, Leanna Kennedy, Graham Haddaway, Lily Harrison, Peyton Jones, Olivia Kilbourne, Molly Kroeger, Sandra Lane, Elise Lankford, Terynn Laws, Kaiya Lewis, Abigail Meadows, Teagan Miller, Annah Mooney, James O’Connor, Elijah Palmer, Madeline Principe, Caitlin Rahilly, Jasmyn Richardson, Ca’Ley Ricketts, Harrison Shindler, Jackson Short, Aidan Sundt, Alecx Valdez, Ella Wise.