District News

TCPS Transitions to Hybrid In-Person Learning

From Dr. Griffith – 9-28-2020

With the State of Maryland now in Stage Three of Recovery, and as a result of continued improved COVID-19 health metrics, Governor Larry Hogan has authorized every school district in Maryland to proceed with safely reopening for in-person learning, while following restrictive guidelines.  We will continue implementing the phases of the TCPS recovery plan to return more students to school while still adhering to six-foot distancing.

In order to meet the needs of all TCPS students with a safe return to school buildings, and per the recommendations of Dr. Fredia Wadley, Talbot County Health Officer, Talbot County Public Schools is revising our transition timeline from the Recovery Plan as follows:

On Monday, October 12, 2020, all students in grades PreK through 5 who requested In Person Instruction on their commitment form will return to school buildings with the AA BB day hybrid model.  Students will attend school in-person all day on EITHER  Monday and Tuesday (A days) or Thursday and Friday (B days).  Wednesday will continue to be Asynchronous with office hours.

On Monday, October 19, 2020, students in grades 6 through 12 who requested In Person Instruction on their commitment form will return to school buildings with the AA BB day hybrid model.  Students will attend school in-person all day on EITHER  Monday and Tuesday (A days) or Thursday and Friday (B days). Wednesday will continue to be Asynchronous with office hours.

By Friday, October 2nd,  parents/guardians will be notified by their child(ren)’s school(s) regarding whether their students will attend school in person on A Days or B Days.   

  • If  families indicated their students would need transportation, TCPS will assume that transportation is to and from their home address.  If an alternative transportation pick-up or drop-off location is needed, please contact the school.
  • For the safety of students and staff we will maintain the following protocols:
  • All students and staff must wear face coverings at all times including while riding the bus.
  • Please do not send children to school if they are ill and/or running a fever.
  • Additional cleaning measures have been implemented as outlined in the TCPS Recovery Plan.
  • All staff and student temperatures will be checked upon arrival at school buildings.
  • Additional time will be allowed during transitions between classes to ensure the required six feet social distancing. 
  • Bus routes will be built based on a maximum of 28 students per bus (one student per seat except in the same household).
  • Visitors will not be allowed in school buildings at this time without an appointment.

During the week of October 5, students who chose to continue with Virtual Instruction for the remainder of the semester on their commitment form will be notified by their child(ren)’s school(s) regarding their Synchronous Learning schedule.

Athletic Teams will be able to begin conditioning on October 19 once coaches have been hired and have completed all of the required training.  More details will be forthcoming regarding the competitive season pending resolution by the Bayside Athletic Conference.  We will also be reviewing a timeline for all extra curricular activities to resume.

I would like to commend the entire TCPS staff for their persistence, creativity, and commitment in providing a high quality education in a safe environment for all of our children. I would also like to express my gratitude to our families and community for their patience and support during this very challenging time while we continue to adhere to CDC guidelines on the buses, in the classrooms, and on the fields and stages.

Kelly L. Griffith, Ed.D.