District News

Youth Apprenticeship Information Nights!

Calling All Potential Apprentices and Employers!

Talbot County Public Schools is hosting two Youth Apprenticeship Information Nights. Easton High School will host theirs on Monday, March 18, 2024, 6 – 7 pm in the Cafeteria. St. Michaels High School will host theirs on Tuesday, March 19, 2024, 6 – 7 pm in the Media Center. These sessions are a great opportunity for students, families, and businesses to learn more about the Youth Apprenticeship program and meet with currently approved Youth Apprenticeship employers. The Youth Apprenticeship program partners with local employers and the Maryland Department of Labor, allowing students to “earn while they learn!” Juniors and seniors are eligible to work in career-track occupations while provided fair compensation. Students will earn up to four high school credits upon completing the program. Businesses can hire and mentor their future employers by developing the in-demand skills needed for their industries!

We hope you will join us! Please direct questions to Danielle Haley: danielle.haley@talbotschools.org.

EHS Apprenticeship Graphic
EHS Apprenticeship Graphic Spanish
SMMHS Apprenticeship graphic
SMMHS Apprenticeship graphic