District News

2023 Teacher & Support Staff of the Year Finalists!

Tish Blessing, Donna Ewing, Cindy Rossbach, Glynna Hilliard, Jane Tillman and Suzy Warrington receive finalist awards.

Each year, Talbot County Public Schools honors teachers and support staff through the Teacher of the Year and Support Staff of the Year Program. This provides the opportunity to recognize outstanding educators who implement innovative ideas, focus positive attention on education, and demonstrate superior commitment to students and the community.

Any member of the community may nominate teachers or support staff for these prestigious awards. The nomination period runs from early January through the first week of February. A committee that includes former Talbot Teachers of the Year reviews the resumes of all of the nominees who choose to formally apply, and selects the Teacher of the Year Finalists. Finalists prepare packets that highlight their work in their school and community. These packets are reviewed by the committee, and the Talbot Teacher of the Year is announced in April.

At the same time, a separate committee reviews the Support Staff of the Year nominations and resumes and selects the finalists. This winner is also announced in April.

Three finalists have been selected from the nominations for Teacher of the Year and three were selected for Support Staff of the Year. TCPS is pleased to recognize these outstanding educators.

Teacher of the Year Finalists:

Lutisia (Tish) Blessing – Pre-Kindergarten Teacher, White Marsh Elementary

Cindy Rossbach – Special Education Teacher, Easton Elementary

Donna Ewing – Band Director, Easton Middle

Support Staff of the Year Finalists:

Glynna Hilliard – Instructional Assistant, Easton Elementary

Jane Tillman, Instructional Assistant, Math Interventionist, and Volunteer Coordinator, Chapel District Elementary

Laronda (Suzy) Warrington, Instructional Assistant, Easton Middle

“It is always a great day when we have the opportunity to celebrate outstanding members of our staff,” said Dr. Sharon Pepukayi, Superintendent. “The fact that their students were just as excited to see them recognized was icing on the cake! I would like to thank everyone who nominated members of our staff for this honor, and I congratulate all of the nominees and finalists!”

The 2023-2024 Teacher of the Year and Support Staff of the year winners will be announced in April.