FY25 Budget Information

Dear Members of the Talbot County Council:

Talbot County students are living and learning in an era that is more dynamic and challenging than ever. The future for them and for our community depends upon a sustained collaborative partnership between Talbot County Public Schools and the Talbot County Council. It is paramount that we provide a broad spectrum of educational programs, opportunities, and experiences that will surpass those of previous generations, and meet the needs of every student.

For the 2023 – 2024 school year, the Board of Education and TCPS Leadership Team collectively established the following Strategic Priorities:

  1. Ensuring that our students are achieving proficiency in mathematics and literacy. ‘
  2. Fostering an engaging environment for all of our students, but also making sure our staff is supported.
  3. Recruiting and retaining a highly qualified and diverse staff that will set high expectations for our students.


The TCPS Team has enthusiastically continued “transforming and performing” this year while planning for the next. We are committed to meeting the needs presented by our changing demographics, raising academic achievement, and providing increased opportunities for each student. At the same time, we must address the challenges that impact this mission. Today, more than 60% of our children qualify for free and reduced meals; 14% of our children are English language learners; more than 20 languages are spoken in TCPS families’ homes; and as many as 158 students have experienced homelessness this school year. This is our reality and our responsibility as a community.

Our request also reflects the investments legislated by the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future and other requirements. We must build on our excellent collaborative relationships with community partners to ensure that we prepare students to be college and career-ready by the end of tenth grade. We must improve compensation and career opportunities for our educators, which will ultimately and permanently benefit Talbot County students. As post-pandemic grant funding is ending, we must also include several new positions in our request to perpetuate important initiatives and supports that have been in place for our students. 

The FY25 Budget Process has been a community collaboration. Priorities were determined with input from stakeholders including community members, parents, students, teachers, and administrators. The amount requested in the FY25 budget reflects the Board’s commitment to securing the minimum funding needed to provide the educational services the students of Talbot County Public Schools deserve and meet the standards of accountability outlined in the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future legislation which include:

Salary increases for all certified and support staff. 16 Additional positions (eight needed due to grants expiring):

  • 1 Social Worker
  • 2 Mentors for New Teachers
  • 2 Reading Teachers
  • 3 English Learner (EL) Teachers
  • 1 Director of Teaching and Learning
  • 2 Secretaries (Bilingual/Special Ed/Guidance)
  • 1 Special Education Supervisor
  • 1 Special Education Teacher (Infants/Toddlers)
  • 2 Technology Specialist/Network Administrator
  • 1 Recruitment and Retention Facilitator


We would like to highlight the results of our work this past year reflected in the TCPS Class of 2023 achievements.

A total of 342 students received diplomas or certificates from Easton High and St. Michaels Middle High. Of the students receiving diplomas, the school district reports that 230 planned to enter a two- or four-year college or technical school, 107 intended to enter directly into the workforce, and five (5) planned to serve our country in the military. Other accomplishments for the class of 2023:

  • Increased Graduation Rate to 97.7% and reduced dropout rate to below 1%. 
  • Class of 2023 Earned $13,865,321 in scholarships 
  • 42% earned a Career and Technology Completer 
  • 54% completed at least one Advanced Placement course before graduating 
  • 27% earned college credit through dual enrollment


As we continue Transforming and Performing Each Day, current initiatives focused on Academic Equity and Achievement are an important part of our story including action steps as follows:

  • Hire, implement, and support additional math coaches 
  • Expand Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) to include mathematics K-6 
  • Provide ongoing, job-embedded professional learning for all K-12 math teachers
  • Develop a comprehensive K-12 mathematics plan
  • Purchase and incorporate math manipulatives K-6
  • Implement high-quality tutoring 
  • Improve progress monitoring through a new data management system 
  • Evaluate new Math and Reading curriculum for 2024-25 implementation


Currently, we are also pleased to share the following: 

  • We are one of only a few school districts who has an approved apprenticeship with the County. 
  • We have been recognized by MSDE for having a model literacy plan for Blueprint submission.
  •  We have provided professional learning in the Science of Reading to all teachers and administrators, PreK and K-5.


We are grateful for our joint work sessions with Council this school year, as we were able to entertain questions and provide insight regarding our work. We continue to welcome the opportunity to answer any questions or meet with Council’s staff on the specifics of our request, and we look forward to formally presenting our proposed budget.


The Talbot County Board of Education appreciates the Talbot County Council’s partnership. Together we must ensure that we meet the needs of each student so that they master grade-level standards, graduate college and career ready, and are able to contribute to the growth and vitality of Talbot County.

Emily L. Jackson,
President Talbot County Board of Education

Sharon Pepukayi, Ed.D.,
Superintendent of Schools


FY25 Budget Presentation Parts 1-3

Join Dr. Sharon Pepukayi, Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Helga Einhorn, Assistant Superintendent for Teaching, Learning, and Leading, and Sarah Jones, CPA, TCPS Chief Financial Officer as they present the  FY25 Budget Request, and give an in-depth explanation of the budget.

FY25 Budget Presentation Parts 1-3 -Spanish Titles

Priorities & Progress

TCPS Board and Superintendent Priorities

academic equity image
Engaging Environment Icon
Recruitment Promotion Retention icon
Maryland's Blueprint Icon
  • Hire and support additional math coaches
  • Expand Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) testing to include math K-6
  • Provide on-going, job embedded professional learning for all K-12 math teachers
  • Develop a comprehensive K-12 mathematics plan
  • Purchase and incorporate math manipulatives K-6
  • Implement high-quality tutoring
  • Improve progress monitoring through new data management system
  • Evaluate new Math & Reading curriculum for 2024-25 implementation
  • Provide School Based Mental Health Services (social workers, counselors, community providers) and Substance Abuse Intervention
  • Schedule engaging assemblies events to promote mental health
  • Continue Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention and Intervention program
  • Implement Restorative Practices Program
  • Promote the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for staff
  • Offer monthly parent seminars for student mental health and substance abuse
  • Survey students and staff on school climate
  • Hire and support additional math coaches
  • Expand Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) testing to include math K-6
  • Provide on-going, job embedded professional learning for all K-12 math teachers
  • Develop a comprehensive K-12 mathematics plan
  • Purchase and incorporate math manipulatives K-6
  • Implement high-quality tutoring
  • Improve progress monitoring through new data management system
  • Evaluate new Math & Reading curriculum for 2024-25 implementation
  • Hire and support additional math coaches
  • Expand Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) testing to include math K-6
  • Provide on-going, job embedded professional learning for all K-12 math teachers
  • Develop a comprehensive K-12 mathematics plan
  • Purchase and incorporate math manipulatives K-6
  • Implement high-quality tutoring
  • Improve progress monitoring through new data management system
  • Evaluate new Math & Reading curriculum for 2024-25 implementation

"Our FY 25 Budget Request reflects the resources needed to strengthen student learning as we implement the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future while addressing the critical budget gaps caused by the expiration of key grants. Our goal is to continue our progress in achieving teaching and learning excellence for all."

Sharon Pepukayi, Ed.D.

Superintendent of Schools

Maryland Blueprint

Passed in 2021, the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Legislation includes comprehensive changes to Maryland’s public education system. Blueprint requirements will enrich student experiences, accelerate improvements to student outcomes, and improve the quality of education in Maryland.

Delivering opportunity and promise of a better future to every Maryland child, the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future will transform the State’s prekindergarten through post-secondary systems with extensive policy changes and an unprecedented investment of State and local resources.

Prioritizing equity, the Blueprint prescribes new programs and innovative approaches to catalyze a world-renowned education system that aims to eradicate achievement gaps and ensures opportunity for every student, regardless of family income, race, ethnicity, or ability.

The Blueprint is structured around 5 Pillars:

  • Early Childhood Education
  • High Quality & Diverse Teachers and Leaders
  • College & Career Readiness
  • More Resources for Students to be Successful
  • Governance and Accountability