Plant Operations

TCPS Plant Operations Staff


The Department is a multi-disciplined, full-service facility management organization responsible for managing and maintaining our school system’s facilities and providing safe, clean, secure and comfortable facilities conducive to learning and in support of our Board’s mission.  We are an organization dedicated to solving facility-related problems, attending to the overall stewardship and continuous care of our building environments, along with all of its assets, and providing the necessary services, skills, and resources required to meet those objectives while addressing the needs and demands of our users.

We do this by providing a wide range of professional and operational support services, integrated and organized around the in-house service disciplines of Planning, Construction, Maintenance, Operations, and Energy Management.  We believe that in this way we can provide highly responsive, quality service as efficiently and effectively as possible, with the resources available, for all of our stakeholders and the citizens of Talbot County.

Reporting a Building Problem

The quickest way to report and resolve a building issue is to report it to the School Building or Office Manager.  Personnel is trained at entering work orders that route issues and problems to the appropriate Maintenance or Operations group that can resolve the issue.  If the issue poses an immediate safety or health concern, please indicate this so that the issue is assigned a proper level of attention. You may also contact Kevin Shafer, Director of Operations by email at or by calling 410-822-0330.

The Maintenance Department:

A vigorous maintenance program protects the physical assets of the public schools facilities. Schools are operated effectively and efficiently through good communication, continuous training of personnel, and utilization of technology. The Department of Maintenance is composed of centrally based maintenance staff who are dispatched to all facilities for support of safety, security, emergencies, and work requests.

  • Operates, repairs and replaces the mechanical equipment in schools, including boilers, HVAC equipment, pumps, compressors and motors
  • Repairs and replaces plumbing fixtures including sewer and water lines, sinks, drinking fountains and hot water heaters
  • Repairs windows, constructs partitions, hangs chalkboards, builds cabinets, installs lockers, designs building modifications, patches roofs and paints walls
  • Mows grass, plows snow, maintains athletic fields, fixes potholes, removes trees, builds fences
  • Operates an integrated pest management and pesticide notification program for buildings and grounds that comply with all state laws concerning hazardous chemicals
  • Repairs and replaces lighting fixtures, electrical appliances, panels, breakers, plugs and wiring, emergency generators, elevators and lifts, fire alarm systems, and temperature control systems
  • Inspects and maintains playground equipment, overhead doors, gymnasium equipment such as backboards, bleachers, climbing ropes, scoreboards, and stage equipment, including lights, cables, and curtains.

The Operations Department:

The Facilities Operation program provides all employees and students with a safe, secure, clean, and aesthetically pleasant physical environment that is conducive to learning.

  • Custodial services
  • Waste disposal
  • Mail delivery
  • Contracted repair services
  • Provides technical support and training to the school-based custodial staff
  • Specifies and provides all custodial supplies throughout the system including paper products, chemicals, and equipment
  • Manages the substitute custodian program
  • Oversees the Board’s safety and environment program, which includes OSHA inspections, asbestos management, fire drills, well water testing, blood-borne pathogens training, radon management, indoor air quality testing, fire marshal inspections, and security systems
  • Manages small project building renovations from planning and design to bidding and construction

Committed to delivering a high standard of support that ensures every child a clean and pleasant environment in which to learn and achieve, while providing our school communities with environmental, delivery, and event logistic support services.

Use of TCPS Facilities

Board of Education policy establish the terms and conditions under which community groups can use school buildings. Each school approves use of the building and applies the TCPS facility fee. Use of Building forms are available at any TCPS school. Completed forms should be sent directly to the location you are requesting. Note: When submitting a request, please allow enough time for the approval process – at least 10 working days before the event. Fee structures and application procedures were approved by the Board of Education.

Plant Operations Documents