District News

April 25th Webinar: What Parents Need to Know about Common Misconceptions of Drug, Alcohol and Substance Use Resources for Teens

Please join us on April 25th for a webinar to learn about substance use supports and resources and what is available in the community for families.

Q&A at the end. Registration is required. Topics include:

  • myths that teens commonly hear
  • teen quitting resources
  • support/treatment resources

REGISTER: https://talbotschools.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_nZI3uF0RTTKfQsYLIM2O_Q#/registration

Spanish subtitles are available. Directions:  1. When entering into the zoom webinar, at the bottom of the screen, go to Show Captions 2. Click on Translate To in the options. Then select your preferred language. 3. Subtitles will then appear on your screen

Speakers: Madison Elliott – Substance Abuse Intervention & Prevention Specialist Beth Williams – Prevention Specialist, Trainer

If you have any questions, please contact: Madison Elliott Student Services madison.elliott@talbotschools.org Talbot County Public Schools