District News

Back to School Dress Code Reminders

As a reminder to students and families, Talbot County has a dress code policy (10.15 Student Dress Code) which applies to students on school property and at school-sponsored activities.  Our goal is to create and maintain a positive and safe learning environment where all students are comfortable and respectful of themselves and others.

Students may not wear attire that is disruptive to the school environment, that promotes illegal or harmful activities, or that endangers the health or safety of that student or others during school hours or school-related activities. Prohibited attire includes, but is not limited to:


  • Hats, toboggans, hoods, or other head coverings (bandanas, wraps, etc.) and sunglasses
  • Outerwear (jackets and coats made specifically for outdoor use
  • Clothing that depicts, implies, or promotes profanity, obscenity, vulgarity, violence, weapons, gang activity or gang affiliation, sexually suggestive material, or the use or distribution of illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or other harmful products
  • Clothing shall not convey establishments or products whose names can be reasonably interpreted or construed as carrying a “double meaning” involving gang activity or gang affiliation, sexual activity, or any other type of prohibited subject identified in this policy
  • Clothing that deameans or promotes sexual harassment or hatred toward an identifiable person or group based on a person’s race, color, religion, ethnicity, national origin, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation or disability are not permitted. This includes, but is not limited to, clothing that depicts the Confederate flag or swastikas.
  • Clothing or items that are libelous.
  • Body art, whether permanent or temporary, which would otherwise violate this policy if depicted on attire. Such body art must be completely covered during the school day or at any school- sponsored or school-sanctioned event.
  • Jewelry and accessories (spikes, dog collars, etc.) that are deemed dangerous or that may be used as a weapon, or piercings that are deemed a safety hazard.
  • Clothing that is unduly revealing,  extremely  tight  fitting,  or  that  attracts  undue  attention  may  not  be  worn.  This  includes clothing that exposes underwear or intimate parts of the body, including but not limited to: tops that reveal cleavage and the midriff, low rider pants, tops with spaghetti straps, strapless tops, halter tops, open back shirts or dresses, or tops that are unduly revealing (cut low at the neck or underarms, exposes bare midriff, pants worn below the hips exposing underwear or skin) are not to be worn.
  • See-through or mesh shirts, tops, dresses, slacks, or shorts, are not to be worn unless they are worn over other appropriate clothing.
  • Pants or shorts that contain holes or slits above the mid-thigh. are not to be worn.
  • Pajama bottoms, pajama tops, and/or slippers may not be worn.
  • Spandex pants, leggings, jeggings, yoga pants, and/or tights may not be worn without an appropriate dress, sweater, or top that covers them to the mid-thigh.
  • Shorts, dresses, and/or skirts that are unduly revealing and/or shorter in length than the mid-thigh are not permitted.
  • Shoes must be worn at all times.


Note: Administrative discretion will apply to the dress code policy, and the administration reserves the right to make the final decision on all clothing.