District News

Education Foundation Celebrates 2023 Distinguished Alumni: Della Andrew, Edzel Turner & Marlene Thomas!

The Talbot County Public Schools Education Foundation has announced the 2023 “Mission Possible – Celebrating TCPS Alumni and Supporting Teachers,” to be held on Friday, November 17 from at 5:30 – 8:00 p.m. at the Oxford Community Center.  Mrs. Eleanor “Tot” O’Mara, Easton High Class of 1967 and James Redman, TCPS Fine Arts Supervisor will serve as Mistress and Master of Ceremonies. The purpose of the event is to recognize Distinguished Alumni, celebrate Talbot County Public Education, and raise funds, awareness, and support for the Education Foundation. 

The following individuals will be honored as TCPS Distinguished Alumni for 2023:

  • Easton High School – Mrs. Della M. Andrew, Class of 1955
  • Robert Russa Moton High School – Mr. Edzel L. Turner, Class of 1958
  • St. Michaels High School – Ms. Marlene R. Thomas, Class of 1980


The event will include a cocktail reception catered by Garden and Garnish, and a student performance.  Information will be presented about teacher grant proposals, so that guests see first-hand examples of the initiatives that the foundation raises funds to support.  Tickets to attend the event are $75 per person, and may be purchased on-line by visiting the Education Foundation website, https://www.tcpsef.org/ or by contacting Debbie Gardner at (410)822-0330, ext. 102 or by email at dgardner@talbotschools.org.        

There are also a variety of sponsorship opportunities available. 


The Talbot County Public Schools Education Foundation was established in 2016 in partnership with the Mid-Shore Community Foundation.  To date the foundation has awarded nearly $200,000 in grants to TCPS teachers. To learn more about supporting the TCPS Education Foundation, visit https://www.tcpsef.org/.