The Maryland TESOL (Teachers of English Speakers of Other Languages) Association has recognized Mrs. Heather Andrews as the 2021 ESOL Teacher of the Year for K-12.
The ESOL (English Speakers of Other Languages) Teacher of the Year Award honors two ESOL educators, one K-12 and one Higher Education, who go above and beyond in their job duties inside and outside of the classroom, and have distinguished themselves within that year for specific reasons. Nominees must be ESOL educators in the State of Maryland and a member of Maryland TESOL. The Award is presented at the Annual Spring Dinner and Meeting which was held virtually on May 20, 2021.
Mrs. Andrews teaches 9th and 10th graders EFL II and Sheltered English 9 at Easton High. She was nominated by Mrs. Renee Warfield, a fellow ESOL Teacher, who said the following: “Heather Andrews has been a fiercely advocating ESOL teacher and tutor for elementary school students and high school students for a decade. She always goes above and beyond to make families feel a great sense of belonging when they transition into a new life here in Maryland. From family picnics, evening phone calls, handwritten letters, coordinating pen pal pairs with Spanish students, coordinating support with counselors, to researching her craft to bolster her students’ literacy, Heather always puts 110% of her time, energy, mind and heart into her students who often continue to reach out to her to stay in touch post-graduation. In a time of uncertainty, her care for her students and knowledge of what is going on in each and all of their lives, Heather’s approach to learning has always been all in for the human experiences she is privileged to have every day with students from around the world. Maryland is better to have her!”
“Thank you for the opportunity to serve and represent the TESOL profession and the MD TESOL Association,” Mrs. Andrews said. “I am grateful to my esteemed colleagues, the staff and administrators at each school where I have worked, as well as my family who believed in me. I am honored to accept this award.”
Maryland TESOL is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to the improvement and advancement of teaching English to speakers of other languages. Maryland TESOL is an affiliate of TESOL, the international organization of professionals interested in teaching English to speakers of other languages.