District News

Talbot County Budget Hearing



All appropriations are tentative at this time. Please be advised that the final appropriation to the Board of Education could be different. Two public hearings on the proposed FY 22 budget are scheduled for Tuesday, May 4th; the first at 2:00 p.m. and the second at 7:00 p.m. They will both be held virtually.

To access the Talbot County Council Meeting at 2:00 pm virtually 

Through the Talbot County website (www.talbotcountymd.gov). Click on the picture of the Talbot County Council on the bottom left-hand corner of the page and you will be directed to the Council Meeting Video streaming page. Closed Captioning is available on the Livestream video.

To provide public comment at 2 PM Hearing:

  • If participating through the phone call (415) 655-0002 or (855) 797-9485 (toll-free), enter access number 160 100 3179 and press *3 to indicate you wish to make public comments.  You will hear the prompt, “You have raised your hand to ask a question. Please wait to speak until the host calls on you.”  When public comments are ready to be accepted, the host will unmute the callers who have indicated they wish to speak one by one.  You will hear the prompt, “Your line has been unmuted.”
  • If participating on your computer through WebEx Events: https://talbotcounty.webex.com/talbotcounty/onstage/g.php?MTID=e8f804cbcf33cedeefd8eed0fd3559c04  (for 2:00 p.m. public hearing) Event Number:  160 100 3179   Event Password:  050421  –    In the participant panel, in the lower right-hand corner, click the hand icon to indicate you wish to make public comments.  Please wait to speak until the host calls on you.  When public comments are ready to be accepted, the host will call you by name.

Citizens are strongly encouraged to submit written public comments to the Talbot County Council via e-mail to publiccomment@talbotcountymd.gov or via mail to County Council, Courthouse, South Wing, 11 North Washington Street, Easton, MD  21601.

Below is information for the 7:00 p.m. Public Hearing on Bill No. 1473, AN ACT TO ESTABLISH THE 2021-2022 ANNUAL BUDGET AND APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE which will now be held virtually:

To access the Talbot County Council Meeting at 7:00 pm virtually 

 Through the Talbot County website (www.talbotcountymd.gov). Click on the picture of the Talbot County Council on the bottom left-hand corner of the page and you will be directed to the Council Meeting Video streaming page.  Closed Captioning is available on the Livestream video.

To provide public comment at 7 PM Hearing:

  • If participating through the phone call (415) 655-0002 or (855) 797-9485 (toll-free), enter access number 160 735 7336 and press *3 to indicate you wish to make public comments.  You will hear the prompt, “You have raised your hand to ask a question. Please wait to speak until the host calls on you.”  When public comments are ready to be accepted, the host will unmute the callers who have indicated they wish to speak one by one.  You will hear the prompt, “Your line has been unmuted.”
  • If participating on your computer through WebEx Events: https://talbotcounty.webex.com/talbotcounty/onstage/g.php?MTID=e388c7339a47979c5a625720856cff7ea  Event Number:   160 735 7336​​​​​​​  Event Password:  050421  –    In the participant panel, in the lower right-hand corner, click the hand icon to indicate you wish to make public comments.  Please wait to speak until the host calls on you.  When public comments are ready to be accepted, the host will call you by name.

Citizens are strongly encouraged to submit written public comments to the Talbot County Council via e-mail to publiccomment@talbotcountymd.gov or via mail to County Council, Courthouse, South Wing, 11 North Washington Street, Easton, MD  21601.

Written comments will be accepted for either hearing on all aspects of the proposed budget.

Citizens who wish to provide public comment should submit their comments in writing via email to PublicComment@talbotcountymd.gov or via mail to County Council, Courthouse, South Wing, 11 North Washington Street, Easton, MD 21601 by no later than Monday, May 3, 2021. The County Charter requires that the Budget Ordinance be adopted by June 1st.