District News

Carol Reed Recognized as Outstanding Gifted and Talented Teacher Leader

The Maryland State Department of Education and the Maryland State Advisory Council on Gifted and Talented Education hosted a virtual ceremony on February 23, “Celebrating Gifted and Talented Education in Maryland.” The program included a presentation of a Governor’s Proclamation, identifying February as Gifted and Talented Education Month in Maryland. Schools, businesses, and educators were recognized in a number of categories for leadership and Excellence in Gifted and Talented Education (EGATE). The EGATE awards recognize educators whose achievements significantly contribute to equity and excellence in gifted education and support the MCGATE mission that “every student should experience the joy of learning something new every day.”

Ms. Carol Reed, a Talbot County Public Schools Gifted and Talented (GT) teacher, was honored as an Outstanding Educator in Gifted and Talented Education – Teacher As Leader. The criteria for this award are as follows:

  1. The teacher works directly with advanced or gifted and talented students, or the teachers of those students, AND responsively addresses the needs of gifted and talented students beyond the required expectations of their position.
  2. The teacher pursues ONGOING professional development in (GT) education such as graduate courses, workshops, conferences, etc.
  3. The teacher demonstrates peer leadership in GT education by providing professional development, writing curriculum, or leading co-curricular or community outreach activities.

The Maryland State Advisory Council on Gifted and Talented Education encourages the development and consistent implementation of comprehensive, high-quality services with regard to gifted and talented education, in order to assure equity of access for all children throughout the state.

In her nomination, Jeanne L. Paynter Ed.D., Educating Innovators, explained that Ms. Reed has demonstrated peer leadership in GT Education through the following roles/experiences:

  • Consultant: Instructor for Graduate classes:
  • Differentiated Instruction, UDL, Reflective Teacher; Critical and Creative Thinking Courses La Salle University, Regional Training Center (RTC)
  • Theater Director, St. Michaels
  • Humanities Chair, Team Leader, Learning Specialist, Teacher, The Key School
  • Advanced Placement Literature and Composition Teacher, Theater Chair
  • Writer in Residence, Instructor. Summer Center for Gifted and Talented Writing and Humanities, Washington College, MD.

Ms. Reed is currently a GT teacher for 5th-grade students, following the William and Mary Persuasive eReasoning Curriculum. She also rotates to each elementary school for Primary Talent Development for kindergarten to second grade and coaches other teachers who work with GT students. She collaborates with Art and graphic design teachers to create “Spindrift,” the Literary Arts magazine for high school students, as well as the newly launched elementary and middle school version. She teaches graduate classes for LaSalle University and the Regional Training Center and is a published poet. Ms. Reed is married to Mr. Thomas Callahan, who has also had a distinguished career as an educator, and they are proud parents of a TCPS alumnus.

“Ms. Reed has brought energy and expertise to our GT Team,” said Dr. Sherry Sutton, Curriculum Supervisor for Gifted and Talented. “She understands the needs of Gifted children and works very hard to meet those needs both intellectually and emotionally.”