District News

MSDE Releases Latest Maryland Report Card Data

The Maryland State Department of Education released the Maryland School Report Card website on March 9, 2023, presenting performance data for every school in the state. The indicated ratings, calculated from data collected during the 2021-2022 school year, are determined using metrics that are part of Maryland’s accountability system under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), and reflect a school and county’s performance on multiple components.  This is the third MD Report Card Release following a two year pause due to the pandemic.

The Report Card incorporates multiple indicators of school performance and calculates them into a final score to arrive at a rating of one to five stars. For elementary schools and middle schools, the system includes Academic Achievement, Academic Progress, progress in achieving English Language Proficiency, and School Quality & Student Success. For high schools, the system includes Academic Achievement, Graduation Rate, Progress in Achieving English Language Proficiency, College and Career Readiness, and School Quality & Student Success.

A presentation of statewide results provided to the Maryland State Board of Education on February 28th highlighted that more than 75% of Maryland schools earned three, four, or five stars.  In Talbot County, 100% of TCPS schools received star ratings of three or more.

“These ratings provide a new baseline post pandemic,” Superintendent of Schools Dr. Sharon Pepukayi said. “We will use this data to inform our planning in conjunction with implementation of the initiatives of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future as we continue Transforming and Performing the TCPS Way!”

Talbot County’s school report cards and other information can be found on the MD Report Card website at https://reportcard.msde.maryland.gov/