Addiction & Substance Abuse Prevention

TCPS  supports students and families with information on substance abuse prevention and addiction. 

What Parent Need to Know About High School Sports and Commonly Used Drugs

What Parents Need to Know about Social Stigma and Substance Use

What Parents Need to Know about Misconceptions of Drug, Alcohol & Substance Use Resources for Teens

What Parents Need to Know about New Vaping and Marijuana Updates

What Parents Need to Know on Marijuana and Adolescent Use

What Parents Need to Know about Fentanyl and Adolescents


Talbot Goes Purple Resource Tool

We know it can feel overwhelming when you or someone you care about is struggling with substance use disorder. We have created this interactive tool to help you find resources from the comfort and privacy of your own home.

Deterra image


Deterra Drug de-activation system SAFE CONVENIENT EFFECTIVE Need to throw away old/expired prescriptions? TCPS is offering Deterra at your child’s school! The pouches will be given to parents upon request and picked up by the parent.

NCSMH and U of MD school of medicine logos

Parent Craft FREE Program

A self-paced online video course that teaches parents, caregivers and concerned others the skills and techniques needed to meet the risks of substance abuse and encouraging a young person to enter treatment. Parents and caregivers learn skills to address adolescent and transitional-age youth (TAY) substance abuse through highly engaging online video segments that include structured suggestions for practicing the skills.