District News

TCPS Announced the Class of 2021 Accomplishments

Easton High and St. Michaels High schools have announced outstanding results for the graduating class of 2021. A total of 335 students received diplomas or certificates, 271 from Easton High and 64 from St. Michaels Middle High. The school district reports that 68% (228) plan to enter a two- or four-year college or technical school, 29% (97) will enter directly into the workforce and 3% (9) will serve our country in the military.

Of the TCPS Class of 2021 graduates who received diplomas:

• 165 (50%) completed at least one Advanced Placement Course before graduating.
• 101 students (30%) earned credit for at least one dual enrollment course at the community college level.
• 153 seniors (46%) fulfilled requirements for at least one Career and Technical Education program.
• The composite SAT score was 1005 for math and critical reading.
• The ACT composite average was 20.6.
• TCPS graduates were awarded a total of $19,229,348 in scholarships, an increase of more than $5,000,000 over the prior year.
• The projected graduation rate for TCPS high schools is 96.29% with a drop-out rate of 2%.

“I want to commend both the Class of 2021 and our team of educators for their perseverance in achieving these successes,” said Dr. Kelly Griffith, TCPS Superintendent. “The 2020-2021 school year presented unprecedented challenges for both teaching and learning, and our students and staff gave their all. I could not be more proud.”

The list of colleges and universities to which TCPS students were accepted is equally impressive and includes acceptances to Ivy League schools, military academies, art, culinary and technical institutes, as well as colleges and universities focused on liberal arts and science and technology. The complete list is as follows:

Academy of Art University
Albright College
Alfred University
Allegheny College
Anderson University
Anne Arundel Community College
Arcadia University
Auburn University
Baylor University
Bergen Community College
Boston College
Boston University
Bowie State University
Bridgewater College
Carnegie Mellon University
Case Western Reserve University
Catholic University
Centenary University
Central Piedmont Community College
Chesapeake College
Christopher Newport University
Clark University
Clemson University
Cleveland Institute of Art
Coastal Carolina University
College of Boulder
College of Charleston
College of New Jersey
Colorado State University
Community College of Philadelphia
Coppin State University
Cornell University
Dartmouth College
Delaware College of Art and Design
Delaware Technical Community College
DePaul University
Dickinson College
Drexel University
East Carolina University
Eastern Kent University
Eastern University
Elon University
Flagler College
Florida A & M
Florida Atlantic University
Florida Community College
Florida Gulf Coast University
Florida State University
Fordham University
Frostburg State University
Furman University
George Mason University
George Washington University
Goucher College
Hampshire College
Hampton University
Harkum College
High Point University
Hollins University
Hood College
Howard University
Illinois Institute of Technology
Indiana Wesleyan University
Iowa State University
Jacksonville University
James Madison University
Johnson & Wales University
Juniata College
Lee University
Lehigh University
Lesley University
Liberty University
Lincoln Tech
Louisiana State University
Loyola University
Loyola University of Chicago
Loyola University of MD
Loyola University of New Orleans
Marietta College
Marquette University
Marshall University
Maryland Institute College of Art
McDaniel College
MD Institute of Applied Agriculture
Messiah University
Miami University
Miami University of Ohio
Morehouse College
Morgan State University
Mount Saint Mary’s University
Nassau Co. Community College
New York University
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
North Carolina State University
Northeastern University
Northern Michigan University
Notre Dame of Maryland
Ohio Northern University
Ohio University
Palm Beach Atlantic
Paul Mitchell School
Penn State at University Park
Penn State University
Pratt Institute
Pratt MWP College of Art & Design
Purdue University
Radford University
Randolph Macon University
Reed University
Regis University
Roanoke College
Rochester Institute of Technology
Roger Williams University
Rollins College
Rowan University
Salisbury University
Sarah Lawrence College
Savannah College of Art and Design
Seton Hall University
Shenandoah University
Shenandoah University Honors Program
Shippensburg University
Siena College
Southern Wesleyan University
Spellman College
St. John’s University
St. Lawrence University
St. Mary’s College of Maryland
Stevenson University
SUNY University of Buffalo
Susquehanna University
Sweet Briar College
Syracuse University
Temple University
Texas A & M University
Thiel College of PA
Towson University
University of Alabama
University of Baltimore
University of Buffalo
University of California
University of California San Diego
University of Central Florida
University of Chicago
University of Colorado
University of Colorado Boulder
University of Connecticut
University of Dayton
University of Delaware
University of Denver
University of Detroit, Mercy
University of Florida
University of Florida Jacksonville
University of Georgia
University of Houston
University of Kentucky
University of Lynchburg
University of Maine
University of Maryland Baltimore County
University of Maryland College Park
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
University of Maryland Global Campus
University of Massachusetts
University of Massachusetts Amherst
University of Memphis
University of Minnesota
University of Mississippi
University of New Hampshire
University of New Haven
University of North Carolina Wilmington
University of Oregon
University of Rhode Island
University of Scranton
University of South Carolina
University of South Florida
University of Tampa
University of Tennessee
University of the Pacific
University of Vermont
University of Virginia
University of Western Florida
Ursinus College
Vanderbilt University
Verto Education/ UMD
Villanova University
Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia Tech
Virginia Wesleyan University
Washington College
West Chester University
West Virginia University
Wheeling College
Willamette University
Wilson College
Wingate University
Xavier University
York College of PA
Young Harris College