District News

TCPS Announces Certified Nursing Assistant Career and Technical Education “Completer”

Students will have the opportunity to become Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA) through a new Career and Technology Education Completer program offered by Talbot County Public Schools (TCPS) beginning in the 2021/2022 school year.

Students who complete the program and pass exam requirements will become certified nursing assistants. TCPS has been able to implement this program through funding from the Maryland Career and Technology Education Innovation grant awarded last year. This grant funds the purchase of medical grade equipment and resources to provide students a real-world nursing experience at Easton High School. Students from St. Michaels Middle High School will also be able to complete the program through cross campus transportation.

The four course Program uses project and problem-based learning, clinical and internship experiences, and classroom and lab instruction to teach students about the field of healthcare. Students are introduced to healthcare knowledge and skills through two foundation courses with content developed by Stevenson University: Foundations of Medicine and Health Science and Structure and Functions of the Human Body. The CNA program provides students with opportunities to apply what they are learning to real-life healthcare situations. The final required course is a clinical internship arranged with a local healthcare facility. Students who pass the end-of-course exams as well as successfully complete the program of study will be eligible for transcripted credit through Stevenson University.

“We are very excited to offer our students this new opportunity to pursue future careers in health care,” said Dr. Kelly Griffith, Superintendent. “Many high school students already know this is their chosen path, so this program will enable them to gain clinical experience even before graduation and potentially continue on to another level through collegiate studies or enter the workforce.”

For additional information or have any questions, please email Robin Werner, CTE Curriculum Supervisor at rwerner@talbotschools.org or your school counselor.