Ready to Read Act

Universal Screening for Foundational Reading Skills

TCPS is committed to identifying and addressing the needs of each student.  To this end and in response to recent legislation from the Maryland General Assembly (Senate Bill 734, Ready to Read Act), TCPS will be using the Dynamic Indicator of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) assessment to screen all Kindergarten students.  In addition, we will also screen any students in Grades 1-3 who showed some level of risk on their Kindergarten Dynamic Indicator of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) assessment as well as those who are new to the district. The purpose of this screening is to determine students’ fluency in foundational reading skills and to predict risk of future difficulties so that appropriate early intervention can take place.  

If a student’s DIBELS scores indicate some risk, intervention services will be discussed based on this screener and any additional student performance data available to drive decisions about students’ level of risk and needs for supplemental instruction and intervention.  Parents will be notified of the results of this assessment and any additional intervention support that is recommended. Additionally, parents/guardians will continue to receive information about their child’s reading achievement quarterly, in each report card. For more information on the screening assessment, see the DIBELS Parent Guide.

Those students who receive intervention services will be monitored for progress using DIBELS in the winter and spring annually to determine if appropriate progress has been made and if any changes to the instructional program are needed.  

Typical and atypical early reading behaviors are described in the graphic below titled: “What are the Effects of Dyslexia: Signs of typical reading development and possible indicators of risk for dyslexia.”