Title I

Schools are identified to receive Title I funds based on their percentage of students who qualify for Free and Reduced-Price Meals. As a result of participation in Title I, schools receive a supplemental allocation to provide additional staffing, extended day opportunities, family involvement and professional development activities as well as supplemental purchases of materials and equipment.

Table of Contents

At our Title I Schools (and all TCPS schools) we welcome and encourage parents and families to be involved and actively engaged in their child’s education. Parents are invited to participate in a number of ways:

  • Join your School Improvement Team and have a voice in setting goals, celebrating progress and identifying areas for growth
  • Join your school PTA or PTO and help plan school events for students and families
  • Participate in your school’s Parent Advisory Committee and be a voice for parents
  • Volunteer in your child’s classroom
  • Come read to students in your school
  • Submit comments and feedback on Title I Parent and Family Engagement Plan
  •  Attend monthly Board of Education meetings

Information for Families

Contact TCPS Student Services for attendance, custody and residency issues. 410-822-0330 or Email BJ Devers betty.devers@talbotschools.orgto connect with a Pupil Personnel Worker.

Contact your school couselor for help with registration, information about counseling services and other supports.

Contact the TCPS Special Education Department for information on Services and Supports. 410-822-0330 or Email Peggy Secrist at psecrist@talbotschools.org.

Social and Emotional Health

National Youth Suicide Prevention Hotline
24 hours a day. 7 days a week
En Espanol:  1-888-628-9454

Maryland Youth Crisis Hotline
24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Eastern Shore Psychological Services
(410) 822-0550

Community Resources

Talbot County Department of Social Services (DSS)

  • Help with food, emergency asistance
  • Report suspected child abuse or neglect


Talbot County Judy Center
Resources and supports for children ages 0-5

Chesapeake Multicultural Resource Center 

  • Assistance with Immigration Issues
  • Interpretation/Translation
  • Connect with Community Resources


Talbot County Health Department

Healthy Talbot
Website with information about childcare, employment, health, wellness and more 

Easton Elementary

Please contact EES Principal: Lisa Devaric, with any questions or comments.

St Michaels Elementary

Please contact SMES Principal Indra Bullock with any questions or comments.

Tilghman Elementary

Please contact WMES Principal Corey Devaric with any questions or comments.

White Marsh Elementary

Please contact WMES Principal Kim Seidel with any questions or comments.